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    Jamie Eastman, LPC Associate

    Do you feel overwhelmed when everyone else seems to be doing just fine, or have trouble connecting even when around others? Maybe you’ve been told you are “too sensitive”, or think that if you could just “toughen up” or change your perspective you would feel better. Well, I’m here to tell you that your feelings are valid, and they are important messengers from your nervous system telling you that some healing needs to be done. Facing life alone has a profound negative impact on our well-being. I will provide much-needed emotional support while we explore what you need to feel safe and confident going into each day.

    As a queer and neurodivergent therapist, I enjoy working with other folks who are often perceived as different. My therapy style is friendly & genuine, and I use humor and honesty to provide my clients with emotional support through their healing journey. Together we will find strategies to provide you with a sense of ease while navigating life’s challenges.

    Don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation, these calls are the best way to find the right therapist for you. I have a few reduced-fee spaces available, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you can’t afford my full fee.